Monday, October 27, 2008

A Foolish Thought

           Today is the first day of a new week. I started my daily life with new power, stretching myself, washing my face with cold water. Yes, it's fresh. My ordinary and normal day started just like that.
          But when I got out of my house, I suddenly found that most of the signboards on streets are written in english(or english-based korean). Blue Club, Beer and Hof, PC Room, Starbucks, Monkey Coffee(?)...I can hardly find korean-only signboards. "What the... . Am I living in Korea?"
          In fact, we are using too much english in our daily life. We even use english even when we have korean words to use instead of english. Why do we misuse english and 'banish' our own language, korean? What's wrong?
          I know that koreans are abnormally 'indulged' in english just because they thought using english well looks they are intelligent, elegant and rich. And our society just caused the wrong thought; many koreans can't find jobs unless they have very high score on English ability tests(e.i. TOEIC).
          However, the truth is that using english in our daily life doesn't mean that we are smart. In fact, it's literally a silly, foolish and BS belief. If we lose your origin, korean, speaking or using english well is meaningless. Even more, using english is not a privilege nor a guarantee. Even igonorant, illiteral americans can 'speak' and 'use' english as well as we do.
          Though the truth is like this, many people still think using english looks and sounds better than using korean...I really can't understand why we, koreans, don't even feel a small amount of proud of our own culture. I know that koreans usually think foreign countries which are stronger or wealthier than our country as the better in every aspect. The so-called flunkeyism.
          But we need to change the way we think the relationships and interactive positions between our culture and that of other countries. If we don't try to restore and solve this problem, we'll lose many traditional korean words again as we did when Chinese alphabet came to our country and when Japanese alphabet banished traditonal korean words.
          We should remeber that we are Koreans, who can't be substituted by any other people or race, and whose language also the unique on the earth.

Monday, October 13, 2008

A Doubt about Reasonable Grounds for Bailout Money-1

             The bailout money was released. the finantial plan was passed by US parliament, both the senate and the house. Many US politicians said in common, "the bailout money is needed to sustain and revive our economy." Ok. I understand their argument. Then, for whom and what will the huge amount of money be used? That very important factor remained ambiguous even after the bailout money plan was passed.

             The first problem is that, as I mentioned, for whom and what the money will be used. As we already know, the economic meltdown was occurred by the very greedy Wall street investors and foolish US government which leaded many people to invest in real estate by the mortgage policy. However, the money is planned to be used for rescuing those people. You know, the same people inappropriately invested real estate market, buying land on speculation, disturbing the natural demand and production in free market. But now they are getting a help from the government! without being asked about their previous faults and mistakes. Is it really justifiable to offset their misleading strategy to make bubbles in free market by public money? Are they really the important people that shouldn't be collapsed to sustain US economy? I totally disagree. They should, no, must, take their responsibility on making the economic crisis.
             The second problem is that who will have to pay for the bailout money. I can say that everyone in the whole world is the person who should pay the 'bill'. Why? As you know, US government doesn't have such a big money in its hands right now. So the typical two ways to make the money is to make new money and issuing relatively uncreditable bonds. the former one seems easy and is a very effective in a short term. However, making more money means the rarity of money decreases, causing a great inflation in economy. And if this happens, the result will be much more disasterous.

             What about the second way? Though the US government issues more bonds, because many people now know that dollars are losing power, not many people would willingly buy them. Moreover, if the US market suffer from a new depression, there is no way to get the payback. Whichever the US government choose the way, everyone who is a US creditor has to face the damage about their money.

...this series will continue... .

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

D-Day is Coming...

       Oh, no.... D-day is coming... . D-day is the day to take an exam... which is very important for me... Still, i did nothing for it.... In fact, I don't know how to prepare the exam...OMG.
       Only 60 days are left... .What should I do? What can I do? It's too short... .
       I desperately want to go "the world", but I can't tell you what "the world" is... . It's not the time to tell you my secret... .
       I always study from 8 a.m to 12p.m. but I don't think it's get a good score.... Damn it...(sorry to use this expression but I don't think there is any other appropriate word to express my feeling)
       The only hope is that I will be able to enjoy winter vacation after I take the exam....
       I really hope that I get a good score....

Monday, October 6, 2008

Game: Total War

        I like computer games very much. In fact, you can say that I'm a game maniac who can enjoy(or 'live in') computer games whole day. I acknowledge that I'm hooked on games. However, I don't think this habbit negatively affects my life. It just a kind of an activity just like other hobbies.
        So, I want to recommend you a new game, Total War. This game is made my SEGA, one of the biggest game corporations in the world, but the important thing is that this game has the most delicate and vivid computer graphic system in the whole game world. Unit motions are better than ever, srpassing those of other games.
        Even more, you can control your own armies which number about 30,000 at largest. If you play the game, you will fill as if you were really at the battle field. Ok, a thousand hearings are not worth one seeing. If you can't believe my saying, just PLAY it!

        Here is one of the screen shots of Empire total war, the newest version of the Total War series.

        This one is a video. Remember, this is an actual gameplay footage.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The UN...UN?

        Sometimes, I doubt the justice of UN. Simply because it doesn't take action when it is really needed. Consider about the Tibettan revolution(I think this word is quite right). Many tibettans are killed, or 'slaugtered' by chinease soldiers. The soldiers killed those who are unarmed citizens or monks. The chinese government said the 'uproar(it diverted the movement like this)' occurred because of Dalai-Lama and his exetreme followers. However, many video data showed us that it was totally a one-sided hunting. The problem is that UN didn't react to this situation, though it knew it was ovbiously a violation of human right chater, which is enacted by UN.

        What about Iraq war? Even after the US attacked Iraq without any reasonable reason, UN just looked on the war with indifference. It were the ordinary people who actually opposed the war and protested against the greed of US government. Of course, many Americans also knew that the war was wrong itself.
        When the global reproach attacks UN, the UN officers repeat the answer:"we can't neglect the sovereignty of a contury." Ok, let's take it as a reasonable answer. Then why did they intervene in the civil war of Sudan? What about the crisis at East Timor?
        The reason why I seriously take the duplicity of UN is not only that my country suffered from japanese colonization, but also the main reason of existence of UN is its goal to achieve global peace.
        I understand that UN depends hugely on superpower, including US, though UN is a global organization. I also know that UN's activities, called Peace Keeping Operation, really works. However, UN officers should also ackowledge that if UN maintains its doubtful position, it will be an ordinary world organization in name only, as the League of Nations was.
        I hope UN regains its intial purpose and its independence, not to mention its objective judgement. Of course there will be very hard obstacle to overcome, but without the effort, it'll never be able to keep world peace.
        We should remember that The UN means United nations.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

History Repeats Itself

        Many people have said human history has some patterns or something in common. When I was young, I didn't believe the notion because I thought our society has been changed and still is changing.
        Have a brief look around us or look at a history book. There is nothing in common in our past societies' appearance. For example, our ancestors made many dolmens, which are like Stonhenge in Britain(though each of which has different purpose),. but we don't make them today. Moreover, we don't have a monarch or emperor any more because we believe all human is equal.
        However, I changed my belief, thinking about the 'pattern and basic organization' of the past and present societies. Of course we are not living in monarchy nor do we believe in the god of nature. Nevertheless, we are living in a nation, community,and neighborhood and we still need politics, science, philosophy, law, etc. This fact means our essential form of life hasn't been changed. It just developed its form into more complicated, elaborated one.
        Wars happen again and again. Economy has affected our life in every moment since it appeared in history. And we study so-called classical sciences and books. You know, the algebra we are studying today was created during the 17th century in Europe. Many people suffer from the problems related with love, friendship, or kinship as our ancstors did. Why do we feel sympathy with the work of Shakespeare? It's simply because we have something in common.
        History can tell not what our future life in appearance will be but what our situation will be as long as we live as human. We have love, greed, aspiration, hope, reason as our ancestors had, and this connection makes an ovbiously repetitious pattern in our life. Maybe, I think, that's why we are still looking back our past.