Monday, October 6, 2008

Game: Total War

        I like computer games very much. In fact, you can say that I'm a game maniac who can enjoy(or 'live in') computer games whole day. I acknowledge that I'm hooked on games. However, I don't think this habbit negatively affects my life. It just a kind of an activity just like other hobbies.
        So, I want to recommend you a new game, Total War. This game is made my SEGA, one of the biggest game corporations in the world, but the important thing is that this game has the most delicate and vivid computer graphic system in the whole game world. Unit motions are better than ever, srpassing those of other games.
        Even more, you can control your own armies which number about 30,000 at largest. If you play the game, you will fill as if you were really at the battle field. Ok, a thousand hearings are not worth one seeing. If you can't believe my saying, just PLAY it!

        Here is one of the screen shots of Empire total war, the newest version of the Total War series.

        This one is a video. Remember, this is an actual gameplay footage.

1 comment:

Aaron said...

This game must be interesting! If I have genius of game, maybe I am enjoying these kinds of game now~ ㅠㅠ