Thursday, October 2, 2008

The UN...UN?

        Sometimes, I doubt the justice of UN. Simply because it doesn't take action when it is really needed. Consider about the Tibettan revolution(I think this word is quite right). Many tibettans are killed, or 'slaugtered' by chinease soldiers. The soldiers killed those who are unarmed citizens or monks. The chinese government said the 'uproar(it diverted the movement like this)' occurred because of Dalai-Lama and his exetreme followers. However, many video data showed us that it was totally a one-sided hunting. The problem is that UN didn't react to this situation, though it knew it was ovbiously a violation of human right chater, which is enacted by UN.

        What about Iraq war? Even after the US attacked Iraq without any reasonable reason, UN just looked on the war with indifference. It were the ordinary people who actually opposed the war and protested against the greed of US government. Of course, many Americans also knew that the war was wrong itself.
        When the global reproach attacks UN, the UN officers repeat the answer:"we can't neglect the sovereignty of a contury." Ok, let's take it as a reasonable answer. Then why did they intervene in the civil war of Sudan? What about the crisis at East Timor?
        The reason why I seriously take the duplicity of UN is not only that my country suffered from japanese colonization, but also the main reason of existence of UN is its goal to achieve global peace.
        I understand that UN depends hugely on superpower, including US, though UN is a global organization. I also know that UN's activities, called Peace Keeping Operation, really works. However, UN officers should also ackowledge that if UN maintains its doubtful position, it will be an ordinary world organization in name only, as the League of Nations was.
        I hope UN regains its intial purpose and its independence, not to mention its objective judgement. Of course there will be very hard obstacle to overcome, but without the effort, it'll never be able to keep world peace.
        We should remember that The UN means United nations.

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