Wednesday, October 1, 2008

History Repeats Itself

        Many people have said human history has some patterns or something in common. When I was young, I didn't believe the notion because I thought our society has been changed and still is changing.
        Have a brief look around us or look at a history book. There is nothing in common in our past societies' appearance. For example, our ancestors made many dolmens, which are like Stonhenge in Britain(though each of which has different purpose),. but we don't make them today. Moreover, we don't have a monarch or emperor any more because we believe all human is equal.
        However, I changed my belief, thinking about the 'pattern and basic organization' of the past and present societies. Of course we are not living in monarchy nor do we believe in the god of nature. Nevertheless, we are living in a nation, community,and neighborhood and we still need politics, science, philosophy, law, etc. This fact means our essential form of life hasn't been changed. It just developed its form into more complicated, elaborated one.
        Wars happen again and again. Economy has affected our life in every moment since it appeared in history. And we study so-called classical sciences and books. You know, the algebra we are studying today was created during the 17th century in Europe. Many people suffer from the problems related with love, friendship, or kinship as our ancstors did. Why do we feel sympathy with the work of Shakespeare? It's simply because we have something in common.
        History can tell not what our future life in appearance will be but what our situation will be as long as we live as human. We have love, greed, aspiration, hope, reason as our ancestors had, and this connection makes an ovbiously repetitious pattern in our life. Maybe, I think, that's why we are still looking back our past.


Aaron said...
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Aaron said...

Wahh~~Your article gives me deep thought... *.*~
Have a nice day~