Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Beautiful World

      This is today's Astronomy Picture. The scenery is just a imaginary picture, but I think it may exist somewhere in the universe. What's your feeling about the landscape? Isn't it amazing? Isn't it fantastic?! Yeah! It really is great and wonderful...that we might be unable to see such a tableau in the rest of our life.
     Sometimes I imagine a totally different world from our planet, earth. The new world...which has greatly different law of nature. It could be possible to use magic(such as raising the dead, summoning a fairy, etc). You may think I'm crazy, but it really is possible at somewhere in the universe.
     You know, A famous astronomer said "You should ackonwledge that earth is very exceptional planet. Your common sense is just limited in our planet, not the whole universe." Yes, this is the "truth" that we have to accept.
     This truth sounds weird. However, think about the world that has black holes, twisted spaces, and weightless world. Can you really imagine how it will be? These basic and small facts that we already know as the common characteristics of cosmos totally break down our daily knowledge.
     I hope in the future poeple travel the universe in a very short time, live in other planets, and find the secret of the universe. No, It should be to finish the conflict in our planet, earth. Fortunately, The possibility is becoming true by our scientific breakthrough in astromy, phisics, etc.
     Though my opinion is just a possibility yet, I have no doubt that The forseen future is near. To live in a new world...fantastic. Now I dream about the future...with a little hope.

1 comment:

Linda said...

I love magic.
If you find out that world. Don't forget inviting me.
Thank you.