Thursday, September 18, 2008

Silence better than Talk?

       I found a question at one of my books. It asks, "Do you think so many people could be together without someone talking?" At first, I couln't answer quickly because I hadn't thought about this kind of issues before. However, by remembering my personal experiences and reasoning some cases I finally found an answer. The following is my answer... .

       Absoultely, people can be together even without one piece of a word. Sometimes a period of silence tells us more than a long conversation. It's possible on the premise that people share some characteristics and qualities such as the way they think, feels and react, and cultural components. People usually feel awkward when they are with strangers wothout talking. In contrast, thesame people feel comfortable or at least do not feel embarrassment if they are with close friends or family members in quietness. At the same time, the later situation makes them relax due to its calmness and placidity. This result is reasonable because when people know well about each other they think they are similar and can roughly outline or expect what the counterpart(s) will do, ultimatly may 'read' their minds and thoughts. Thus, even if there is no dialogue among a group of people, this situation doesn't look or feel strange nor impossible. Ok, think about a couple of lovers, or your parents or best friends. Do they(or you) really feel uncomfortable or can't guess the counterpartner's next behavior during any silence? Never! Because they accustomed to each other, they can expect the partner's move or thoght.
       Moreover, In Estern culture including that of Korea, being talkactive was condemned traditionally, and they learn how to understand others by only his mood and conduct instead. Still, many asian people(esp Korean confusianists) think stillness works better to unite people's attention than speech when they know each other who he or she is. this phenomenon is't limited in Estern, though. Take any romantic movie near your house and watch it very cautiously; You will notice easily in some scenes which show you a lovers readying to kiss and people mouring but not talking around a dead person have no "word."

1 comment:

Joshua J. Suarez said...

I like your posts. I can tell you enjoy writing. But remember your readers as well. If you have too much information in each paragraph, it makes really difficult to read and a little boring... so try to make your paragraphs smaller... :)

Here's your grade until now:

Consistency: 5
Creativity: 4
Relevant Content: 5
Grammar/Organization: 4
