Monday, September 15, 2008

Having a Pleasant Time in Chu-Seok

      This weekend was a great day. It was Chu-Seok!(I took a three-day vacation) My parents came from Jeonra south province, so we(Oh, I forgot to tell you: My mother, Uncle, and I) went there by my mother's car. you know, it took 10 hours and a half to get there. Of course it really is a tiresome work, but I didn't care about it because I would be able to enjoy conventional Korean food which my grandma made with delicate effort such as various kind of Song-Pyeon, Ddeok(usually called korean style rice cake but in fact, it's totally different from 'cake'), Spiced Galbi.
      When we arrive at grandma's home, it was nearly 11a.m. It wasn't surpring to us because we started driving at about 00:30a.m.(it was a usual time for us to arrive at grandma's house, though to some people it will be sound 'terrible') My grandma welcomed us by waiting us in front of her house, making savory dishes, and some vilification; my grandma say such word 'Gae sae KKi' as a kind of a word to express hailing. However, we were tired when we arrived there so we take a nap(?) first. we rest like that for 5 hours.
      After having a good rest, the paradise was waiting for us; it's time to eat and drink the meal that can't be tried in cities! Song-pyeon, bin-dae ddeock, Ddeok galbi, seasoned balloonflower(doragi), Brown seaweed broth, seasoned yellow many dishes, food ingradients of which are all grown from Korea and made by solely korean style. What a fantastic!
      However, gorging my stomach reached the limit soon, and we had to visit my grandfa's and other ancestors' graves before sunset. So we went there and had some simple religious ceremonies. a memorable event I had at there was fighting(?) with mountain mosquitos. they are mathlessly stronger than city-living mosquitos. They make much bigger wounds on skin. The result of the fight was my total defeat. I killed nothing and they bited me at about 20 spots, and after I went home I was mad to scratch my skin.....Damn!!
      Unfortunatly, we had not much time to stay at grandma's home because Chu-Seok holidays at this year were relatively very short and I had some classes at school. So we went back home having just one more day at the country.
      Though the time was too short, I was really happy to see my grandmas(In fact, I had two grandmas which are mothers of each of my parents.) and eat many special foods. I think these are why we annually visit our rural hometown. So I want to say something if any foreigner asks me what is korea; The real understanding of Korea and Koreans comes from the culture and history of Korean countries; the homeland of every korean.

1 comment:

Joshua J. Suarez said...

Don't worry about it. You've been posting up consistently, and I like that. So you shouldn't fear. Just keep on posting as you can. There are other students who have not posted anything since they set up their account... so you're good :) See you soon...