Thursday, September 25, 2008

Discrimination on Skin Color

        I've learned some interesting news from my American instructor in English discussion course. It was about a discrimination on skin color in Today's America. What? bias based on skin color? I said ethnic prejudices are still prevalent in America, and they don't think every race except Anglo as 'true' American. for example, when Americans ask a South-Asian American where he/she come from, they ask him/her not where he/she was born but where his/her ethnic group is.
       It was really embarrassing. Since when has America became the country of a specific ethnic group? If the Anglo-Americans claim they are the 'real' Americans, Who is native American? Are the native Americans the sham or fake people? Never. In fact, according to the Anglo-americans' argument, native Americans are the 'true' Americans because they've lived in America for thousands of years ago.
        I think America should, and must, be the world and society for every people, not banned at least by a person's skin color because it is what the Americans' respectful ancestors' will to realize the 'united' America. The main reason why America is great is not because Americans are strong in economic power nor military power but because they respect everyone's opinion and thought regardless of the difference of people.
        Presidential election in US is on the hot issue on the whole world. At the center of the issue, Obama and McCain are competing and many people are expecting the first African American president on US history. Though it might sounds another racism, I think the election is itself is important because this reflects the positive change in America. African American, The third ethnic group who came to America, is now becoming regarded as 'true' American, and I hope someday Asian American and other races to be considered one American.
        A french poet said, "America is great. It's not because it is the superpower; its people know how to find and fix their problems." This remark is now softly echoing in my ears.

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