Monday, September 15, 2008

Some Complaints about My Blog System

      Well, before I begin to say, I want to explain why I write it. It is beacuse the blog system in google is too much different, of course in bad way, from that of Naver. You know, In naver blog system I can do nearly whatever I can because naver blog setting has numerous functions and choices a user can make. However, in the google's, I have really restricted gadgets and I can't really customize my blog...shame... .
      Ok, When I first make the account, I can't find the backgrond style, alphabet form, posting type, and categorization for posts in google. At first I thought it was because I didn't know but it wasn't; google blog doen't have such setting. Then how can I methodically srrange my posts and adorn my blog? My expectation was beyond the reach in google!
      In naver blog, I can control what I made in a very easy way freely. I can choose everything of my blog from the color, form, style of my blog's background to the links to other posts, scrapings other information, etc. Moreover, when I want to do something, go somewhere, and find somthing, the system shows or has the direct fuction which I want!
      Of course, google blog has its own characteristics and fortes but I think it's at least not my favorite. However, it has strong personal security system and can control my blog totally in the way I want to restrict others' comments. In addition, it has something special called gadgets which are easy to use for users. Nevertheless, the problem is, it limits my choice and the way I want to decorate my blog and I don't like the settings of google blog; it unhinge me.
      Anyway, in spite of these complaints I want to learn more about the IT culture of Western. I think the differences existing between our internet culture and that of others especially North America.(well, it sound the structure of my writing went wrong -_-;) This might be a kind of an jsutification about why I use google blog which is in fact created to makes my assignments in my english course. I think I don't like the blog system of google, though.

      Hey, google CEO(s)! Please learn more about blog system from naver!

1 comment:

Joshua J. Suarez said...

You wrote a good complaint essay! I'm glad you desire more of blogging. I'm sure there are many other "Western" blog sites which are better than this one. I chose this one because it was the most "user friendly" for ESL students. Naver is quite easy because you speak Korean, but imagine I had American students try to use the Naver blog site! They would probably be very confused because of the language difference etc. So I thought blogspot would make it easier for those beginners we have in our class to easily set up a blogsite and also write. I think the most important thing is writing for this class! But, I'm happy that you want more. I respect your opinion. Thanks for writing your thoughts! :) I hope you had a great holiday! See you in class on Wednesday... :)