Monday, September 22, 2008

World Peace Day

        Do you know what day is it today? Yes, it surely september 21st, but it's the same day designated by UN as the world peace day. It's okay you didn't notice it before but now you should know. Why? It's simply because we live in a world that doesn't seem to be, and really is, confusing, chaotic. Some of you might regard my saying as a imaginary or exaggerated opinion because you live in peace. But it is not; In whole human history only 3% period of this has been in 'peace'. In other word, there has always been a war(or wars sound more appropriate) in the world.
        Even after the advent of UN, which pursues the global peace and the wills of all member countries to achieve this goal, the military conflicts and battles don't stop. Of course there can be a lot of reasons why the world peace is not accomplished even though we, human flourish the golden age ever. however, as many people say, I think the dominant causes of this unstopping disturbance are the following two factors: Difference and Inequality.
        Why? If you see some lately occured turmoils in the world, this answer is simply deuducted. For example, the iraq war happened just because of the unevenly situated natural resources, especially natural resources such as oil and natural gas. Now most people agree that US attacked iraq mainly for its crude oil. What about vietnam war and korean war? the reason of these wars were the difference of ideology. Islam countries's long lasting hatred against Western, especially US has definite reason; protesting against US-centered political, military, and cultural hegemogy which can read to the destruction of other countries' identity destruction.
        Many of the people will ignore the meaning of world peace day, though, as long as they enjoy their 'own peace', not other's. This negligence might be the real cause of today's world conflicts. However they must know that they can be tomorrow's victims of the next war as they were in world wars. That is why we have to not only treasure this day but also consistently strive to keep world peace.

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