Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Hardest Task

            Many people say that there are many difficult things to do, and each of the people think different thing as the hardest to achieve. However, I think the most challenging one is to overcome myself.
            recently, I'm preparing a test and it's really demanding especially for ESL people. The point is, I have to study, literally, all day. Like other korean undergraduates, I like to hang out with my friends, playing basketball and computer games, but the situation I'm in doesn't allow me to enjoy such life! Too strenuous... .
            Of course, on weekends I can relax and do whatever I want, but I think that's not enough. You know, sometimes I think 'why should I live like this? just graduating from ordinary college also guarantee at least an ordinary job.' yes, it's true. But I obviously know what I want to do in the future, and the occupation demands me very, very painstaking efforts.
            Even so, I sometimes 'violate' the rule I've set, and that's the problem. But i don't know what to do! Well...someone might say, 'Hey, it depends on your will!' Ok. it's alright. But he should know how much it is hard to live everyday studying from 7am to 12pm for about 4 months!...kind of BS.
            Well...I think I've just complain about my life...I hope not. Anyway, I believe 'someday' I'll be able to get a score I want....Hey..Think positively! lol

Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Historical Day

           Do you know what day it is today? I mean, what happened in world history on November 11th? Yes, it's the same day when Abraham Lincoln delivered historical speech, the Gettysburg Address. Though I'm not an American, I really respect him and his ideal, which is clearly expressed in the address that now we called the spirit of United States.

           Why is it so important even after the African americans got freedom after emancipation? First of all, the speech represents the ultimate equality and dignity of all mankind. In reality, many people suffer from the prejudices and discriminations based on their appearance and outward (superficial) status, including their skin color, nationality, ethnicity, language, social and economic status. However, the Gettysburg Address symbolizes and promises the world where everyone has the right to be treated reasonably equal before social regulation, such as law.

           Moreover, it envisions the world that I want to realize in our world. In other word, it shows my ideal. The world, which I really want to bring into reality and inherit to my prosperity, is the society in which people can feel that they are really the sovereign of their world. In addition, it's the world where people will be treated equally in proportion to their efforts to succeed and no 'permanent' or 'guaranteed' minority (powerless) and majority (powerful) exist.

           Of course, this goals are really hard (may look impossible) to actualize, and that's why the society shown in the Gettysburg Address doesn't come to us yet. However, compare to the ancient world, we have accomplished thousands of thousands of incredible achievements throughout history; equality before law, or the nation was just an imagination for the Roman slaves, but we now think caste systems are totally unreasonable and anachronistic. So, I think people will reach the goal someday in near future.

"the just world of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." -Someone in the future-

Sunday, November 16, 2008


           What's your attitude toward differnce? What do you think about difference? Are these questions too abstract? Then, what do you think about the conflicts made by the difference of people's interests, cultures and color, or, what do you think about the diversity of creatures that makes the earth filled with flourishing life energy?
           yes, this question might be easy when we see just one aspect of 'differnce', but if you think about both sides of the difference, it'll be very hard to answer. But, if I have to choose one position about this topic, I'll be the one who support the variety.
           First, difference let us to see the world with other viewpoints. If you are Korean, you can see the world in korean eye, but only in korean eye. However, if you know another culture and understand the people who see the world differently, you can see your life with broader recognition.
           In addition, by accepting difference, we can sustain our life. Awkward? partially could be, but not. As you know, the reason why organisms evolve in different ways is to survive and adapt to the environment. If there is only one(or few) kind of life and if it is very weak to a certain pestilence or a virus, that life will be extinct. But if there are some 'different' lives, at least not every life will die.
           Of course, in human society, Conformity is becoming more and more important. Still, nobody denies the value of difference, or diversity. The disadvantage of difference doesn't come from its nature, but from we, people's prejudice and hostility. When people truly acknowledge and understand the difference among them, the difference can be the strong power to flourish our life standard.

Monday, November 10, 2008

A Doubt about Reasonable Grounds for Bailout Money-2

 this moment I have no other choice but to say that so-called bailout money worked, but, still, I can't agree with the review that the revival of US economy(someone might not accept the term, revival yet) results from the bailout money.
          Why? In fact, when the relief money was passed in the congress and released to the market, the situation of it wasn't good and didn't rise as many expected by the effect of the bill of the bailout money. yes, the efficacy of the planned money was mostly a failure.
          During the first week after the release of the money, the economic situantion was still bad(in fact, it was terrible because the depression of US economy started to affect to the world market, of course, in a bad way. And, the money in the US stock market was still decreasing, making the situatino of the market worse.
          However, one thing about the bailout money was successful; the reaction of other major countries. They, including German, France, Great Britain, Japan, started to intervene their domestic market, decreasing the untrustworthy loans and coporation stocks.
          And finally, by the 'involuntary' cooperation of those countries managed to stop further meltdown of world economy. he only one role that the bailout money took part was this; to show the US government's strong will to intervene the market so that it can stop further economic crisis, not the original goal which is to revive the market, facilitating the flow of currency.
          What about the reactions of the most famous investors in US? Well, Warren Buffet was in favor of the bailout. But you should know that he lost nearly a quarter of his wealth through the economic crisis, and he was one of the major people who would get benefit through the bailout money plan.
nbsp         In contrast, George Soros disagreed with the planned money. But in fact it was not beacuse he really considered the ineffectiveness of the money, but because he knew that his hedge fund coporatinos would not be able to act nimbly due to the reinforced government intervention on market.
&          Anyway, in my own opinion, I still think bailout money plan was not the 'best' nor the 'recommendable' choice to support the US market. Of course, I don't know much about Economics, but I believe that the crisis was triggered by some foolish Wall street investors and government officials(including Paulson!!) and they didn't make any effort to take their responsibilities. It's wrong. Moreover, I've heard a lot of other alternatives to evacuate the economy, though they were too difficult for me to understand.
          One thing we got understand and should remember from this crisis is this; Always stick to the basic principles of invest and take the responsibility from what you do by yourself.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Korean SAT Day is Coming

         Yes, Korean SAT day is coming. It's left about 7 days(right?) Every korean students or everyone who has graduated from Korean highschool may know the fear of the Korean SAT. It's really horrible...yeah....and it was terrible for me....I totally failed the exam...though I'm now an undergraduate.
        almost all korean high school students take the exam, and I can bet that almost every one of them will regard that exam as test for their future because the very exam determine your 'quality' to get into good, or famous Universities.
        In fact, koreans harshly suffer(or, for some, take advantages) from the differences of their alma maters. And, 70% of Korean judges(ajudicators) graduated from Seoul university and 90% of them graduated from so-called SKY(abbreviation) universities.
        However good your capability at work is usually can't overcome the credit of your alma mater; you are judged by your 'cover'...
I know this is wrong, but still, nobody dare to fix the problem. In fact, nearly everyone who are high officials graduated from the Korean IVY universities, so they don't even need to voluntarily give up their previleges. Its kind of BS...
        well, that's why many young koreans strive to death to get good scores on korean SAT. a sad truth... .
        Anyway, I hope this situation be solved in the future, and my friends take good scores this time.

       Good luck to them. And good luck to me.

The New US president

          The election was over, and as many expected, Barack Obama was elected as the 45th US president. I don't know whether it's a coincide that all the Americans who I know supported Obama during the election. In fact, everyone around me seemed to the advocator for Obama, and I couldn't be able to see those who would like to vote for MaCcain....a little bit funny.(I also prefer Obama to MaCcain)
         Then who is Obama? He is an African American graduated from Harvard University, a pious christian(not a muslim!!), and a world-peace seeker. I don't care what his skin color is and what his religion is, but I do care what he want to achieve or his goal during his presidency; the world peace!!
         Yeah... you know, the 'two' Bushs(The current president and his father) triggered wars in middle east, making perils and coflicts between the 'western(esp the US)' and the 'Middle east', or the Muslim. What do those wars mean to those victims of them?
         However, because he is a democrat, a member of colored-race groups which are the minor in US society, and a enlightened gentleman, I believe he will gradually solve the civil and global conflicts without using weapons.
         I want to say something more about him, but because I don't know well about him, I'll wait and see what he will do and whether he will accomplish his 'promises' that he made before about 3 billions of Americans. We shall see soon.