Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Hardest Task

            Many people say that there are many difficult things to do, and each of the people think different thing as the hardest to achieve. However, I think the most challenging one is to overcome myself.
            recently, I'm preparing a test and it's really demanding especially for ESL people. The point is, I have to study, literally, all day. Like other korean undergraduates, I like to hang out with my friends, playing basketball and computer games, but the situation I'm in doesn't allow me to enjoy such life! Too strenuous... .
            Of course, on weekends I can relax and do whatever I want, but I think that's not enough. You know, sometimes I think 'why should I live like this? just graduating from ordinary college also guarantee at least an ordinary job.' yes, it's true. But I obviously know what I want to do in the future, and the occupation demands me very, very painstaking efforts.
            Even so, I sometimes 'violate' the rule I've set, and that's the problem. But i don't know what to do! Well...someone might say, 'Hey, it depends on your will!' Ok. it's alright. But he should know how much it is hard to live everyday studying from 7am to 12pm for about 4 months!...kind of BS.
            Well...I think I've just complain about my life...I hope not. Anyway, I believe 'someday' I'll be able to get a score I want....Hey..Think positively! lol

1 comment:

Joshua J. Suarez said...

Hello Hyeon Wook! I'm here to grade your blog again... You have some good writing posts... I can tell you enjoy writing (Or at least like to practice it.. kkk) Just the same, you have keen insight and I like your thoughts... Try to spice up your blog a little so it's not "too intellectual" throw in some music and more pictures... a little more personal if you wish.. you have two more weeks... so go for it! Try to be consistent as well.. remember at least 2 posts each week...

Here's your grade for this past month:

consistency 3
creativity 4
content 4
overall 4
