Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Simple thing

Some people like simplicity while others like complexity. Me? Well...I haven't think much about this topic, and I know this problem is not something that can be deemed by just 'Yes or No'. But if I have to say my own opinion, I will choose the simplicity. Of course I like something with deep meaning and with serious thought.

But, ironically, the more serious the problem is, the simpler the answer is. As you know, we prefer justice, or the good, to vice, or the bad. And we pursue the happiness rather than the sadness. And, if you skim some history book, you can easily find this 'axiom' of life.(well..I want to give you some examples but I can't pick up one thing now.)

Surely, deep thinking is more important than 'no thinking'. However, if you just indulge yourself on the seriousness itself, you can't find the best answer. for instance, think about a test day. if you take a test, you shouldn't think other things like these; what if my score comes out worse than I think? How will others regard me if I failed? So, the answer is simple; just concetrate on what you are doing.

...well...anyway, now I feel terribly bad because josh gave me not good grades(frankly, lol) However, I shouldn't worry about my past and future....I will rather concentrate what I should and can do. Hey, josh! don't be too picky! ㅋㅋㅋ

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