Friday, December 5, 2008

Um.... capitalism?-1

Um....yes...capitalism.....the system adopted by the society I live in...the system which many people sxtol for the general quality lives of ordinary of the most debatable system as the best economic system...

I suddenly thoguht about capitalism when I passed by the road, near which many restaurants emanate(?) the smell of meats....the problem is...I have no money...

Yes. It's the truth of capitalism. Obviously, it developed the economy with unprecedented speed, and many people have overcome their absolute poverty. Truly, it is revolutionarily good thing.

But let's think more deeply. you would also know 'unprecedented' number of the poor compared to the number of the rich. It's the truth of capitalism, too.

Moreover, I perceived capitalism doesn't exist for 'everyone' except those who can afford to buy products. come to think about an example. You may be impressed by the huge and ornate buildings in many cities. But they are, literally, not 'for you'. al the abundance of jewelries and dishes is simply for the people who have money.

yes, I acknowledge that it's not the problem itself. The problem is, captitalim triggers this disparity and solarity of wealth, if the system doesn't be revised or supported by many other 'social' methods. In spite of this crucial fact, the world tries to be more 'capitalistic' in the name of neo liberalism, to overcome the economic depression.


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