Friday, December 5, 2008


this situation, adopting more market-based econmy, is really absurd, because the more we try to be liberal on market, the more serious the economic depression will be.
Why? As you know, as the customers of market are everyone in society, economic destruction of any economic class can negatively affect to the whole groups participating in market. Moreover, because the capitalism can be more disasterous as the economic policy become more 'liberal', The government should control appropriately the market; however, the reality is going to the opposite.

The evidence of this economic catastrophe is easy to find; the current situation of US. Now, that nation, which seems to be the economic superpower and the precursor of free market and neo liberalism, is beginning to fall at least in economic field. The true reason of its depression is its government's foolish economic policy.(well...I can bet you that no economists can disagree with my opinion, completely.)

So I think we shouldn't just regard capitalism as the 'present of god' or the 'perfect system' someone did... . We need to find better economic system that can truly make the market work appropriately. (so that no more f***ing hedge fund and diabolical monopoly and M&A can exist.)

I believe capitalism is a success, but we shouldn't be satisfied with this small success. We should devise a better social and economic system so that everyone can compete fairly! Yes...we must do the job to realize the justice of society and of the world.

I hope that in the future, I can see the world in which everyone can get as much as they try hard. We can make it.

-plus: I'm not marxist, though.

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