Monday, December 8, 2008

a movie comment

      I think the main message this film brings to us is the reality of two Koreas’ ironic situation, which can be called the ‘silent war.’ Still, Koreans suffer from the disunion of two Korean governments. Superficially, the high officials of both sides try to reunite together, but in the deep sense, no one truly attempts to understand the other and wants to be a unitary state because they worry about that they have to give up something they enjoy during the isolation.

      This political sequence is depicted well in at the end of the film. In contrast with the dejected end of love that Joong-Won and Bang-Hee kept, the sports stadium was filled with the outcry of spectators who shouted the reunion of Korea.

      At the same time, the movie implies another point. The reunion of two Koreas can be possible when it is supported by Korean people’s true awareness about this reality on the unification. And that understanding of the actual situation shouldn’t be concerned only with political advantage. Sadly, the problem regarding the unity of Korea has been ‘only’ dealing with the political issues, neglecting the simple fact that we, Koreans, were the ‘same’ people in the ‘same’ nation just some 60 years ago. Now, I also believe Koreans should consider more about the history, ethnicity, and society before short-sighted benefits that previous politicians pursued. After that, the sincere unification of Koreas will come.

-pictured someday in the future-

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