Wednesday, December 3, 2008

1st SAT essay practice

Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.
-> exerpt: There are two kinds of pretending. There is the bad kind, as when a person falsely promised to be your friend. But there is also a good kind, where the pretense eventually turns into the real thing. For example, when you are not feeling perticularly friendly, the best thing you can do, very often, is to act in a friendly manner. In a few minutes, you may really be feeling friendlier.

Assignment: Can deception-pretending that something is true when it is not- sometimes have good results? Plan an write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.

Brain storming: ->Deception can't make itself to be true in any way.
1. Pretending and believing something which is not true can't make it true.
2.Historical facts-> 천동설, 마녀 등.
3. concealing one's inherent character can't last long

Some people say pretending to have a certain emotion makes us really feel it. They even argue that 'good' deceptions can contribute to good results. However, I believe deception can't turn out to be true in any way because it has its own limits. First of all, Ostentation can't be equivalent to the truth in matter-of-facts. For example, in medieval Europe, many religious leaders made false theory and belief to explain natural phenomena in accordance with the Bible. For one thing, they asserted that the earth was the center of the universe and they believe it to be true even if they lacked objective information to support it. However, many people at the time accepted the idea and no one was dare to question the fallibility of the belief. As a result, the falsehood continued until people began to give up their bias and explore the nature with science, the objective standard.
Expressing one's mood in oppostion to his internal feeling also can't have good results. Of course it is possible to have pretended mood, but it just temporarily exists. One's character is usually inherent, or at least very inveterate. So changing his personality artificially is needless and can be even harmful. When I was young, my parents wanted me to be extroverted, but I was very reserved by nature. At first, I tried to be talkactive and pretended to be more active, but my friends told me that my behaviors were unlike me and seemed awkward. Moreover, even myself felt so uneasy thta I counld't sustain my fabricated attitude.
surely, deception of one't feeling or belief seems to be able to make good results but it is not true in the long run. But we can't change the outer world and even ourselves along with what we believe them to be. scientific facts don't matter with what we think about them because the world, or the nature, is objective to everyone. And one's innate character doesn't suddenly change to what he wants. We should know that pretending, or believing something is absolutely different from what it is.

1 comment:

Joshua J. Suarez said...

Great posts for December Hyeon Wook... I'm glad that you did well.. your score is 16/16.

Thanks for having been in my class. I really enjoyed being your instructor and helping out as much as I could...Here are some links you can use to find some software for SAT... but I think you have to pay for most of them... :( But I think they might be worth it all:

I don't know if these will help... maybe you saw these too.. I was hoping I could find something free.. but this is the best I could do... I really wish you the best in your SAT.. I see a bright future for you man.. you're really intelligent and gifted.. you have a deep mind. You're dedicated and driven... I hope to hear about you one day as a famous Lawyer and then some... ;) Blessings in everything... thanks for your hard work in my class...Smiles :)