Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Korean SAT Day is Coming

         Yes, Korean SAT day is coming. It's left about 7 days(right?) Every korean students or everyone who has graduated from Korean highschool may know the fear of the Korean SAT. It's really horrible...yeah....and it was terrible for me....I totally failed the exam...though I'm now an undergraduate.
        almost all korean high school students take the exam, and I can bet that almost every one of them will regard that exam as test for their future because the very exam determine your 'quality' to get into good, or famous Universities.
        In fact, koreans harshly suffer(or, for some, take advantages) from the differences of their alma maters. And, 70% of Korean judges(ajudicators) graduated from Seoul university and 90% of them graduated from so-called SKY(abbreviation) universities.
        However good your capability at work is usually can't overcome the credit of your alma mater; you are judged by your 'cover'...
I know this is wrong, but still, nobody dare to fix the problem. In fact, nearly everyone who are high officials graduated from the Korean IVY universities, so they don't even need to voluntarily give up their previleges. Its kind of BS...
        well, that's why many young koreans strive to death to get good scores on korean SAT. a sad truth... .
        Anyway, I hope this situation be solved in the future, and my friends take good scores this time.

       Good luck to them. And good luck to me.

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