Sunday, November 16, 2008


           What's your attitude toward differnce? What do you think about difference? Are these questions too abstract? Then, what do you think about the conflicts made by the difference of people's interests, cultures and color, or, what do you think about the diversity of creatures that makes the earth filled with flourishing life energy?
           yes, this question might be easy when we see just one aspect of 'differnce', but if you think about both sides of the difference, it'll be very hard to answer. But, if I have to choose one position about this topic, I'll be the one who support the variety.
           First, difference let us to see the world with other viewpoints. If you are Korean, you can see the world in korean eye, but only in korean eye. However, if you know another culture and understand the people who see the world differently, you can see your life with broader recognition.
           In addition, by accepting difference, we can sustain our life. Awkward? partially could be, but not. As you know, the reason why organisms evolve in different ways is to survive and adapt to the environment. If there is only one(or few) kind of life and if it is very weak to a certain pestilence or a virus, that life will be extinct. But if there are some 'different' lives, at least not every life will die.
           Of course, in human society, Conformity is becoming more and more important. Still, nobody denies the value of difference, or diversity. The disadvantage of difference doesn't come from its nature, but from we, people's prejudice and hostility. When people truly acknowledge and understand the difference among them, the difference can be the strong power to flourish our life standard.

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