Monday, December 8, 2008

a movie comment

      I think the main message this film brings to us is the reality of two Koreas’ ironic situation, which can be called the ‘silent war.’ Still, Koreans suffer from the disunion of two Korean governments. Superficially, the high officials of both sides try to reunite together, but in the deep sense, no one truly attempts to understand the other and wants to be a unitary state because they worry about that they have to give up something they enjoy during the isolation.

      This political sequence is depicted well in at the end of the film. In contrast with the dejected end of love that Joong-Won and Bang-Hee kept, the sports stadium was filled with the outcry of spectators who shouted the reunion of Korea.

      At the same time, the movie implies another point. The reunion of two Koreas can be possible when it is supported by Korean people’s true awareness about this reality on the unification. And that understanding of the actual situation shouldn’t be concerned only with political advantage. Sadly, the problem regarding the unity of Korea has been ‘only’ dealing with the political issues, neglecting the simple fact that we, Koreans, were the ‘same’ people in the ‘same’ nation just some 60 years ago. Now, I also believe Koreans should consider more about the history, ethnicity, and society before short-sighted benefits that previous politicians pursued. After that, the sincere unification of Koreas will come.

-pictured someday in the future-

A movie talk-Swiri-1.story

What I want to tell you at here as one of the great Korean films is Swiri(shiri). The director if the movie is Je-Kyu Kang. The released date is February 13th, 1999. It was starred with Seok Kyu Han, Min-Sik Choi, Kang-Ho Song, Yoon-Jin Kim. First, let me tell you about the story of the film.

One day, as the agents at the national top secret security bureau(OP), Joong-Won Yoo (Seok Kyu Han) and his partner Jang-gil Lee were supposed to meet a weapon swindler who suggested them to give information about a sabotage. However, the information provider was suddenly killed by someone, and Joong-Won instinctively perceived that the sniping was related with the top sniper in North Korea, Bang-Hee Lee.

After a brief investigation, the secret agents found out the news that the opponent tried to get a destructive bomb and that a special force of North Korea already took the explosive. The counter terrorists tried to catch them, but the trial was failed as if someone inside their team provided information to the terrorist. Beyond the suspicion against each other in the group, Joong-Won noticed a tragic fact that his girlfriend was the bomber whom he was pursuing.

Finally, the spy teams of both sides met in a soccer stadium. Along with the extremely tensed situation, the South Korea operative discovered and defused the bomb, but Jang-gil was killed and Bang-Hee was still alive. At the end of the running fight, Joong-Won found her when she was targeting a South Korea official. The eyes of the lovers met temporarily, and two continuous gunshots followed soon. One that failed to assassinate the officer and one that penetrated her by. In the end, while police arrive at the site and Joong-Won felt something mournful, the two Korea friendship soccer match at the stadium finished peacefully.

Friday, December 5, 2008


this situation, adopting more market-based econmy, is really absurd, because the more we try to be liberal on market, the more serious the economic depression will be.
Why? As you know, as the customers of market are everyone in society, economic destruction of any economic class can negatively affect to the whole groups participating in market. Moreover, because the capitalism can be more disasterous as the economic policy become more 'liberal', The government should control appropriately the market; however, the reality is going to the opposite.

The evidence of this economic catastrophe is easy to find; the current situation of US. Now, that nation, which seems to be the economic superpower and the precursor of free market and neo liberalism, is beginning to fall at least in economic field. The true reason of its depression is its government's foolish economic policy.(well...I can bet you that no economists can disagree with my opinion, completely.)

So I think we shouldn't just regard capitalism as the 'present of god' or the 'perfect system' someone did... . We need to find better economic system that can truly make the market work appropriately. (so that no more f***ing hedge fund and diabolical monopoly and M&A can exist.)

I believe capitalism is a success, but we shouldn't be satisfied with this small success. We should devise a better social and economic system so that everyone can compete fairly! Yes...we must do the job to realize the justice of society and of the world.

I hope that in the future, I can see the world in which everyone can get as much as they try hard. We can make it.

-plus: I'm not marxist, though.

Um.... capitalism?-1

Um....yes...capitalism.....the system adopted by the society I live in...the system which many people sxtol for the general quality lives of ordinary of the most debatable system as the best economic system...

I suddenly thoguht about capitalism when I passed by the road, near which many restaurants emanate(?) the smell of meats....the problem is...I have no money...

Yes. It's the truth of capitalism. Obviously, it developed the economy with unprecedented speed, and many people have overcome their absolute poverty. Truly, it is revolutionarily good thing.

But let's think more deeply. you would also know 'unprecedented' number of the poor compared to the number of the rich. It's the truth of capitalism, too.

Moreover, I perceived capitalism doesn't exist for 'everyone' except those who can afford to buy products. come to think about an example. You may be impressed by the huge and ornate buildings in many cities. But they are, literally, not 'for you'. al the abundance of jewelries and dishes is simply for the people who have money.

yes, I acknowledge that it's not the problem itself. The problem is, captitalim triggers this disparity and solarity of wealth, if the system doesn't be revised or supported by many other 'social' methods. In spite of this crucial fact, the world tries to be more 'capitalistic' in the name of neo liberalism, to overcome the economic depression.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

1st SAT essay practice

Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.
-> exerpt: There are two kinds of pretending. There is the bad kind, as when a person falsely promised to be your friend. But there is also a good kind, where the pretense eventually turns into the real thing. For example, when you are not feeling perticularly friendly, the best thing you can do, very often, is to act in a friendly manner. In a few minutes, you may really be feeling friendlier.

Assignment: Can deception-pretending that something is true when it is not- sometimes have good results? Plan an write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.

Brain storming: ->Deception can't make itself to be true in any way.
1. Pretending and believing something which is not true can't make it true.
2.Historical facts-> 천동설, 마녀 등.
3. concealing one's inherent character can't last long

Some people say pretending to have a certain emotion makes us really feel it. They even argue that 'good' deceptions can contribute to good results. However, I believe deception can't turn out to be true in any way because it has its own limits. First of all, Ostentation can't be equivalent to the truth in matter-of-facts. For example, in medieval Europe, many religious leaders made false theory and belief to explain natural phenomena in accordance with the Bible. For one thing, they asserted that the earth was the center of the universe and they believe it to be true even if they lacked objective information to support it. However, many people at the time accepted the idea and no one was dare to question the fallibility of the belief. As a result, the falsehood continued until people began to give up their bias and explore the nature with science, the objective standard.
Expressing one's mood in oppostion to his internal feeling also can't have good results. Of course it is possible to have pretended mood, but it just temporarily exists. One's character is usually inherent, or at least very inveterate. So changing his personality artificially is needless and can be even harmful. When I was young, my parents wanted me to be extroverted, but I was very reserved by nature. At first, I tried to be talkactive and pretended to be more active, but my friends told me that my behaviors were unlike me and seemed awkward. Moreover, even myself felt so uneasy thta I counld't sustain my fabricated attitude.
surely, deception of one't feeling or belief seems to be able to make good results but it is not true in the long run. But we can't change the outer world and even ourselves along with what we believe them to be. scientific facts don't matter with what we think about them because the world, or the nature, is objective to everyone. And one's innate character doesn't suddenly change to what he wants. We should know that pretending, or believing something is absolutely different from what it is.

Simple thing

Some people like simplicity while others like complexity. Me? Well...I haven't think much about this topic, and I know this problem is not something that can be deemed by just 'Yes or No'. But if I have to say my own opinion, I will choose the simplicity. Of course I like something with deep meaning and with serious thought.

But, ironically, the more serious the problem is, the simpler the answer is. As you know, we prefer justice, or the good, to vice, or the bad. And we pursue the happiness rather than the sadness. And, if you skim some history book, you can easily find this 'axiom' of life.(well..I want to give you some examples but I can't pick up one thing now.)

Surely, deep thinking is more important than 'no thinking'. However, if you just indulge yourself on the seriousness itself, you can't find the best answer. for instance, think about a test day. if you take a test, you shouldn't think other things like these; what if my score comes out worse than I think? How will others regard me if I failed? So, the answer is simple; just concetrate on what you are doing.

...well...anyway, now I feel terribly bad because josh gave me not good grades(frankly, lol) However, I shouldn't worry about my past and future....I will rather concentrate what I should and can do. Hey, josh! don't be too picky! ㅋㅋㅋ