Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Beautiful World

      This is today's Astronomy Picture. The scenery is just a imaginary picture, but I think it may exist somewhere in the universe. What's your feeling about the landscape? Isn't it amazing? Isn't it fantastic?! Yeah! It really is great and wonderful...that we might be unable to see such a tableau in the rest of our life.
     Sometimes I imagine a totally different world from our planet, earth. The new world...which has greatly different law of nature. It could be possible to use magic(such as raising the dead, summoning a fairy, etc). You may think I'm crazy, but it really is possible at somewhere in the universe.
     You know, A famous astronomer said "You should ackonwledge that earth is very exceptional planet. Your common sense is just limited in our planet, not the whole universe." Yes, this is the "truth" that we have to accept.
     This truth sounds weird. However, think about the world that has black holes, twisted spaces, and weightless world. Can you really imagine how it will be? These basic and small facts that we already know as the common characteristics of cosmos totally break down our daily knowledge.
     I hope in the future poeple travel the universe in a very short time, live in other planets, and find the secret of the universe. No, It should be to finish the conflict in our planet, earth. Fortunately, The possibility is becoming true by our scientific breakthrough in astromy, phisics, etc.
     Though my opinion is just a possibility yet, I have no doubt that The forseen future is near. To live in a new world...fantastic. Now I dream about the future...with a little hope.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Discrimination on Skin Color

        I've learned some interesting news from my American instructor in English discussion course. It was about a discrimination on skin color in Today's America. What? bias based on skin color? I said ethnic prejudices are still prevalent in America, and they don't think every race except Anglo as 'true' American. for example, when Americans ask a South-Asian American where he/she come from, they ask him/her not where he/she was born but where his/her ethnic group is.
       It was really embarrassing. Since when has America became the country of a specific ethnic group? If the Anglo-Americans claim they are the 'real' Americans, Who is native American? Are the native Americans the sham or fake people? Never. In fact, according to the Anglo-americans' argument, native Americans are the 'true' Americans because they've lived in America for thousands of years ago.
        I think America should, and must, be the world and society for every people, not banned at least by a person's skin color because it is what the Americans' respectful ancestors' will to realize the 'united' America. The main reason why America is great is not because Americans are strong in economic power nor military power but because they respect everyone's opinion and thought regardless of the difference of people.
        Presidential election in US is on the hot issue on the whole world. At the center of the issue, Obama and McCain are competing and many people are expecting the first African American president on US history. Though it might sounds another racism, I think the election is itself is important because this reflects the positive change in America. African American, The third ethnic group who came to America, is now becoming regarded as 'true' American, and I hope someday Asian American and other races to be considered one American.
        A french poet said, "America is great. It's not because it is the superpower; its people know how to find and fix their problems." This remark is now softly echoing in my ears.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Reason

       The reason why I post my blog on morning is simple; I live in Go-si-won, which is similar to the school dormitory but doesn't have computer facilities. I have no computer! So I have to go to school to do my job. What the... .
        Another reason is my major. Law has many, many contents to study, sometimes too much for freshman. For example, I had to read and study 500 pages to prepare my final exams in the last semester. It's kind of BS.(does this expression deggrade my blog?:-()
        I think blogging at morning is relatively hard because in the morning my brain is usually empty. blogging in the afternoon or after is much more harder; many people occupy the computers in central library and even in the computer lab.
        Anyway, I posted one article today morning again...giving a yawn.

World Peace Day

        Do you know what day is it today? Yes, it surely september 21st, but it's the same day designated by UN as the world peace day. It's okay you didn't notice it before but now you should know. Why? It's simply because we live in a world that doesn't seem to be, and really is, confusing, chaotic. Some of you might regard my saying as a imaginary or exaggerated opinion because you live in peace. But it is not; In whole human history only 3% period of this has been in 'peace'. In other word, there has always been a war(or wars sound more appropriate) in the world.
        Even after the advent of UN, which pursues the global peace and the wills of all member countries to achieve this goal, the military conflicts and battles don't stop. Of course there can be a lot of reasons why the world peace is not accomplished even though we, human flourish the golden age ever. however, as many people say, I think the dominant causes of this unstopping disturbance are the following two factors: Difference and Inequality.
        Why? If you see some lately occured turmoils in the world, this answer is simply deuducted. For example, the iraq war happened just because of the unevenly situated natural resources, especially natural resources such as oil and natural gas. Now most people agree that US attacked iraq mainly for its crude oil. What about vietnam war and korean war? the reason of these wars were the difference of ideology. Islam countries's long lasting hatred against Western, especially US has definite reason; protesting against US-centered political, military, and cultural hegemogy which can read to the destruction of other countries' identity destruction.
        Many of the people will ignore the meaning of world peace day, though, as long as they enjoy their 'own peace', not other's. This negligence might be the real cause of today's world conflicts. However they must know that they can be tomorrow's victims of the next war as they were in world wars. That is why we have to not only treasure this day but also consistently strive to keep world peace.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Silence better than Talk?

       I found a question at one of my books. It asks, "Do you think so many people could be together without someone talking?" At first, I couln't answer quickly because I hadn't thought about this kind of issues before. However, by remembering my personal experiences and reasoning some cases I finally found an answer. The following is my answer... .

       Absoultely, people can be together even without one piece of a word. Sometimes a period of silence tells us more than a long conversation. It's possible on the premise that people share some characteristics and qualities such as the way they think, feels and react, and cultural components. People usually feel awkward when they are with strangers wothout talking. In contrast, thesame people feel comfortable or at least do not feel embarrassment if they are with close friends or family members in quietness. At the same time, the later situation makes them relax due to its calmness and placidity. This result is reasonable because when people know well about each other they think they are similar and can roughly outline or expect what the counterpart(s) will do, ultimatly may 'read' their minds and thoughts. Thus, even if there is no dialogue among a group of people, this situation doesn't look or feel strange nor impossible. Ok, think about a couple of lovers, or your parents or best friends. Do they(or you) really feel uncomfortable or can't guess the counterpartner's next behavior during any silence? Never! Because they accustomed to each other, they can expect the partner's move or thoght.
       Moreover, In Estern culture including that of Korea, being talkactive was condemned traditionally, and they learn how to understand others by only his mood and conduct instead. Still, many asian people(esp Korean confusianists) think stillness works better to unite people's attention than speech when they know each other who he or she is. this phenomenon is't limited in Estern, though. Take any romantic movie near your house and watch it very cautiously; You will notice easily in some scenes which show you a lovers readying to kiss and people mouring but not talking around a dead person have no "word."

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Self Description-Draft

        Hi, my name is Hyeon Wook Lee, and my byname on internet is 'revisioned egalitarian'. I'm happy to introduce myself to you. Ok, let me start the basic contents first. I was born April, 30, 1989, so I'm 19 this year. I'm freshman in KyeongHee University and I major in law. My family consists father, mother, my older brother and me. I live in Uijeongbu city, Gyeonggi province where many US armies are situated. My hobbies are playing computer games, reading books(regardless of their types or categories), listening musics, watching movies or documentaries, playing basketball, etc. I also like meeting with other people and friends, volunteering in social activities and traveling around, though they are not my hobbies. I want to be a chief at International Bank. To achieve this goal, my motto in life is "Strive hard and learn from mistakes. Once you succeed in life, Do share the success with others"
        As I've mentioned above, I like many activities, and my favorite is surely playing computer games. However, lately I changed my hobbies to reading books and listening musics and watching some educational programmes(?). In fact, I'm a game maniac. I played computer games nearly 14 hours a day when I was really obsessed in them; I changed myself now because I thought it's problematic to me to deal with my ordinary life. Nevertheless, if you ask me some computer games in the past whether I know them, I'm confident that I can answer roughly 90% of their titles. The best games for me are(or were) Medal of Honor(FPS) series, Starcraft(strategy simulation), Total War series(strategy simulation).
        I also like perusal of books, and My favorite genre is nonfiction, especially social science which gives me a lot of detailed information, analysis, and perspective about our society; I strongly recommend you The End of Work by Jeremi Rifkin, the Das Kaiptal by Karl Marx(revised versions by other people are also good), and Entropy by Jeremi Rifkin. Of course there are more valuable books such as The Future of Wealth by Alvin Toffler and Orientalism by Edward W. said, but I didn't read them yet. In addition I like Science books; Cosmos by Karl E. Sagan is the best I have ever read; it gives me the grandeur of space and even the reasons why we have to unite, not fighting each other; it is because our stage is not just an earth but the whole cosmos! Anyway, the book significantly affected the way I think and behave. Including those hobbies I enjoy listening musics(I like newage and semi-classiccal music types most), watching movies(who can darely tell me other genres are better than SF or action?!), and palying basketball, but I think these are just ordinary ones to explain. I'll tell you later if I have more time to do it.
        Ok, now it's time to introduce you why my aspiration is to be a leader of International Bank. The reason can sound really simple; to make better 'world' society. Now there is no doubt about the fact that today's world is based on economic and political power, but actually both comes from the same source, the wealth, or money. In addtion we live the most rich societies ever in history of human;However many people died and are dying jsut because of basic poverty, and many people suffer from insufferable and impregnable gaps betwteen the poor and the rich. The problem is that the so-called 'inferior' aren't the cause of this problem. They are not foolish nor lazy as we thought before not enough to overcome the inequaliy or the desperate situation. The real answer is this: the paradox of present society and its order, system. More importantly this problem is now enlarging its extent to the whole world. Many africans dies just because they were forced to cultivate coffee beens rather than grains by the 'aid countries'(that means they can't have their own source of basic foods because the aid countries destroy the native farms by extremely lowering grain price and the 'aid' is decided only when their domestic markets have excessive foods. the native africans therefore raise relatively 'valuable' ones to the aid countries's market such as coffee beens. The destitute situation happens when the excessive foods doesn't exist in the market of aid countries). Many serious problems(e.i.environmental problems) exist but at here I'll stop to say about it because this is an introduction about myself. So I think global movement is imperatively needed to solve this unprecedented, huge problem; re-distribution of wealth and other resources to the world and foundation of cooperationship with every country. In the center of them, the wealth power initiate the whole movement as we are live in wealth-based societies. So that's why I want to be a leader of International Bank.
        I think these contents are sufficient as a 'very' brief presentation about myself. I'm an ordinary boy so I love playing computer games, watching movies or documentaries, and listening musics; However, I believe I have one exceptional thing; My dream, or ultimate goal of my life. Though this sounds awkward and unrealistic, I'll not hestate to say that 'I can do it.'. It's true, simply because I believe and act from it and many people who tbelieve better world can be realized agree with me. That's why I call myself as a 'revisioned egalitarian'.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Some Complaints about My Blog System

      Well, before I begin to say, I want to explain why I write it. It is beacuse the blog system in google is too much different, of course in bad way, from that of Naver. You know, In naver blog system I can do nearly whatever I can because naver blog setting has numerous functions and choices a user can make. However, in the google's, I have really restricted gadgets and I can't really customize my blog...shame... .
      Ok, When I first make the account, I can't find the backgrond style, alphabet form, posting type, and categorization for posts in google. At first I thought it was because I didn't know but it wasn't; google blog doen't have such setting. Then how can I methodically srrange my posts and adorn my blog? My expectation was beyond the reach in google!
      In naver blog, I can control what I made in a very easy way freely. I can choose everything of my blog from the color, form, style of my blog's background to the links to other posts, scrapings other information, etc. Moreover, when I want to do something, go somewhere, and find somthing, the system shows or has the direct fuction which I want!
      Of course, google blog has its own characteristics and fortes but I think it's at least not my favorite. However, it has strong personal security system and can control my blog totally in the way I want to restrict others' comments. In addition, it has something special called gadgets which are easy to use for users. Nevertheless, the problem is, it limits my choice and the way I want to decorate my blog and I don't like the settings of google blog; it unhinge me.
      Anyway, in spite of these complaints I want to learn more about the IT culture of Western. I think the differences existing between our internet culture and that of others especially North America.(well, it sound the structure of my writing went wrong -_-;) This might be a kind of an jsutification about why I use google blog which is in fact created to makes my assignments in my english course. I think I don't like the blog system of google, though.

      Hey, google CEO(s)! Please learn more about blog system from naver!

Having a Pleasant Time in Chu-Seok

      This weekend was a great day. It was Chu-Seok!(I took a three-day vacation) My parents came from Jeonra south province, so we(Oh, I forgot to tell you: My mother, Uncle, and I) went there by my mother's car. you know, it took 10 hours and a half to get there. Of course it really is a tiresome work, but I didn't care about it because I would be able to enjoy conventional Korean food which my grandma made with delicate effort such as various kind of Song-Pyeon, Ddeok(usually called korean style rice cake but in fact, it's totally different from 'cake'), Spiced Galbi.
      When we arrive at grandma's home, it was nearly 11a.m. It wasn't surpring to us because we started driving at about 00:30a.m.(it was a usual time for us to arrive at grandma's house, though to some people it will be sound 'terrible') My grandma welcomed us by waiting us in front of her house, making savory dishes, and some vilification; my grandma say such word 'Gae sae KKi' as a kind of a word to express hailing. However, we were tired when we arrived there so we take a nap(?) first. we rest like that for 5 hours.
      After having a good rest, the paradise was waiting for us; it's time to eat and drink the meal that can't be tried in cities! Song-pyeon, bin-dae ddeock, Ddeok galbi, seasoned balloonflower(doragi), Brown seaweed broth, seasoned yellow corbina.....so many dishes, food ingradients of which are all grown from Korea and made by solely korean style. What a fantastic!
      However, gorging my stomach reached the limit soon, and we had to visit my grandfa's and other ancestors' graves before sunset. So we went there and had some simple religious ceremonies. a memorable event I had at there was fighting(?) with mountain mosquitos. they are mathlessly stronger than city-living mosquitos. They make much bigger wounds on skin. The result of the fight was my total defeat. I killed nothing and they bited me at about 20 spots, and after I went home I was mad to scratch my skin.....Damn!!
      Unfortunatly, we had not much time to stay at grandma's home because Chu-Seok holidays at this year were relatively very short and I had some classes at school. So we went back home having just one more day at the country.
      Though the time was too short, I was really happy to see my grandmas(In fact, I had two grandmas which are mothers of each of my parents.) and eat many special foods. I think these are why we annually visit our rural hometown. So I want to say something if any foreigner asks me what is korea; The real understanding of Korea and Koreans comes from the culture and history of Korean countries; the homeland of every korean.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

This is the onset

This is the onset of the second section of the procedudure for my dream, and also the first post for my blog in google. As you can see, I'm an 'revisioned' egalitarian; though there are many differences phisically, mentally and socially, we humans are all equal(but you should notice that the Equity does not mean total equilibrium just like that of communism society).

In my blog, I'll express my ideas and attitudes toward current issues( regardless of the categories the issues are involved) and discuss with other people who want to participate with me about the issues. So I hope everyone who has an idea about currently popular topic of the world try to share his or her view. Just enter my blog with any kind of reasonable thought, because we are egalitarians.

Ok, no more verbose saying, Let's start!